NY: Misleading article title stokes Halloween hysteria

Source: hudsonvalleypost.com 10/28/22

Close to 100 New York sex offenders won’t be on the streets as Hudson Valley children try to enjoy Halloween.

Westchester County is trying to make sure local sex offenders are off the streets while children trick-or-treat in the region this Halloween.

“When it comes time for trick-or-treaters to knock on doors this Halloween, local sex offenders will once again be attending an Anti-Sexual Abuse Victim Impact Program, designed to keep sex offenders off the streets. The annual program is run by the Westchester County Department of Probation, and is part of the Department’s mission to help keep Westchester County safe for our children and families,” Westchester County officials stated in a press release.

The Westchester County District Attorney’s Office reports more than 80 registered and non-registered sex offenders on probation in Westchester County are required to attend the educational program at the Westchester County Courthouse on Monday, October 31 from 5:30 to 10 p.m.

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Misleading title? How about misleading licence plate readers? Good thing the people opt for electronic convenience and surveillance to circumvent crimes, create safety & assist law enforcement. Check this craptrap out. YT
Racking up Ipass fines NY&NJ turnpike AND it’s clearly not even their car captured on cam! Yet it takes going to the press to get their money back, because individuals calling DOT for themselves doesn’t necessarily work! ALL of which denotes unfettered use and application of guess what? I won’t say it, but yea. Same assists to law enforcement which IMO wasn’t the alternative purpose and was the primary intent behind registration. I guess someone wanted to stoke the benevolence of the ” something else afoot. ” I’d surmise if it weren’t the election cycle the bureaucracy would have dragged their feet about refunding the cash. A kid is far more statistically likely to get run over, or struck by a car on Halloween than be a victim of sexualized attack.

Misleading indeed. They don’t even clarify until part way into the article that this is specifically a (no less stupid for the fact) rule for those on probation, and presumably parole. Even then they don’t clarify it well.

What a waste of time, money, and resources over a scam that doesn’t actually protect children. Politicians and law enforcement always on the lookout for political scapegoats to hang in order to curry favor with the public and to get more votes and funding from clueless taxpayers to line their pockets and stay in office.

It should be criminal.

😠 Don’t you get tired of seeing this 💩 every Halloween?? I certainly do!

I have written to the articles author and hope you will do the same. We need to address this garbage every single time we see it.
My email:

Hello Mr. Welber, 

Perhaps you can check with Westchester County Probation to find out if they will also be running a program on Halloween night for convicted DUI drivers on probation. 
Each year, children get mowed down by DUI drivers on Halloween. In fact, children are far more likely to be hit by a car than by to be molested by any registered sex offender. They have a far greater chance of being molested by someone not on the registry such as a family member, teacher, coach, scout leader, clergy member, etc. Isn’t this a priority to keep children safe??

Please don’t just blindly accept “cut-n-paste” law enforcement propaganda – please do some investigative journalism and present truth and reality to your readers, not popular urban myths and sex offender hysteria. 

Thank you for your time.”

Stand up. Speak up. Every time. 👍🏻

I love how they promote this to the public as an educational program for sex offenders. To show them how their acts have devastated and continue to hurt their victims. Well I’ll tell you this, when I was in prison in the sex offender unit I talked to almost every one there. And it seemed to me that almost every sex offender was raped or molested as a child. I was!!!!! So they don’t need educational program because I believe most sex offenders have been affected in that way. Just more feel good propaganda.

Preventing them from using public transportation after this shaming event is justified? Why? They think it is one way to keep the community safer?

It is not an educational event, but a true shaming event allowing others to corner those on probation and shame them unnecessarily with this crap.

Have they given parents reassurance that no DUIs or other distracted drivers will harm anyone on Halloween too? Probably not. Idiots…

One wonders who’s throwing the rotten eggs today or who’s stealing who’s candy bag. Sure things happen. Some people could not care less about Halloween and while authorities use a motivational technique to try to prevent. One has to wonder where does the abuse come in.

Misleading abuse can be a good example. All we all guilty or have the title sex offender. Who are the low lives in all these schemes to prevent. If an accident is going to happen its going to happen whether surveillance or not and it can be a bit stressful for many. Are authorities fearing the worse or are authorities priming the pot with these misleading ordeals? Is mankind raping the land with this technology, this caught in the “act type action”. Is this internet misleading another in a Hitler type way. One wonders who the offender really is. Sometimes people wonder why people even go to court in front of the unjust type of misleading the “internet users”. So who is the wicked one and who is the evil one.

If misleading is the way to solve everything under the sun than someone didn’t study their History or the history of abusing others with this electronic computer tool. How political to mislead another even in a Halloween rush.